In the distance I can hear
the tree who is not me
turn over in light & shade
and the wind who is not me
speak in the light and in
the shade using rarified
juices that style its leaves
and in the crawling dusk
who is not the wind nor the
leaves nor the tree
something is speaking
loudest of all nobody, nobody
not even me
not even me
deeper than me, speaks
to the many who think they
hear too, my heart bleeding;
low branching shivers in a
hearted pause; a breeze—
light by extension, wholly
mixes greatness
with the big wide wonder
about to settle down
on the back of the crawling
dusk; I know I belong here
beyond this vision not even me
where even in my unbelonging
no, not even then, am I reachable
©2010 stephanie pope When Truth Is A Dark Light Walking the Land Matter & Beauty Poetry Series
1. “konx om pax”/wholy ghost/ music, improvisation and Koran
2. Perpetual Peace: Kants Political writings p107 konx ompax
3. “Truth” (alêthei) as both the un-forgotten, ‘un’ eX-scaped AND
the ‘un’ concealed, wholly psyche (Jung, see in conspectu mortis)