Thursday, May 23, 2013


Thank you to the following url for providing the free clipart.

#OHJ[1]  Lines For May

The light-hearted

is a timeless hippie.

On the shelf
a hippie handbook

how to lead such a life (even now).

down inside
the shelf, an image, an etymology

of split wood ―

”split”; in coming to sense the apo-sense here:
a spiritual disinheritance, away, afar, apart

a thou-making unconcealing itself.

“On the shelf” means set aside
(prolly rejected bits set aside for such thou-making)

an aesthetic arrest in a lighted heart.

[1] See twitter hashtag #OHJ May 22, 2013  OHJ stands for “Old Hippie Journey”  I like the notion of the h-space; H= a space for turning images in psyche-making. this month all month the H-space stands for "hippie".  Each day two new words are given.  This day’s words are “shelf” and “frantic".

#OHJ:  Lines For May stephanie pope  micropoetics