"Lightly she stepped on shore, and under the gentle pressure of her delicate foot the dry and rigid sand became transformed into a verdant meadow, where every varied shade of colour and every sweet odour charmed the senses. "
~ A WORLD OF MYTHS http://www.aworldofmyths.com/Greek_Gods/Aphrodite.html
your own pink footprint stepped
in one right out of you sky blue that fled
my wide remembering not still
in tide & sweep & leap ashore;
it is no wonder I am worn with what you wore
& now I’m thinking
intimacy a little word
a threnody in as to me
I’m thinking as is intimacy’s shell
a field of beauty rising
from the oysters under sea
in pieces swimming swell ashore
flow & drop, rise & plop intimacy here
in wave and leaving
leaving here & sunken
sunlit, slivered, drenched &
spurting exalted genitus skyblue & pink
in me each time although in each time through
dismembered by the days
now nowhere, too
how intimate where you withdrew
& with her other name
shell threw this empty black
a gray green living corpse
my tatters even now
though transient & wounded, too the round
where matter left the gray green
stamped in me still damp
imprinting how
& how you shatter in & matter in
the gray green foam
whitely living
word for word
as-intricately me
the oysters under sea
shell lacked no beauty where
your own pink footprint stepped
in one right out of you sky blue that fled
I'm thinking as succinctly she
intimate and empty swelled
within a field of beauty shelled