Slung over
one shoulder, a moon
jumpin over the edge of June
right into July, august in the sky
Lived under moon thunderer’s boon
You see…
Born in a month of fish
worlds rejoiced as it cried
and in a month of fish how worlds abide
happily fed and happily t(r)ied
and more than happily fished
You see…
Livin’ this life where it died
worlds will also have cried
to the edge of its June & its watering moon
full-filling our great earth dish
©2015 Moon Thunder stephaniepope mythopoetry.com
jumpin over the edge of June
right into July, august in the sky
Lived under moon thunderer’s boon
You see…
Born in a month of fish
worlds rejoiced as it cried
and in a month of fish how worlds abide
happily fed and happily t(r)ied
and more than happily fished
You see…
Livin’ this life where it died
worlds will also have cried
to the edge of its June & its watering moon
full-filling our great earth dish
©2015 Moon Thunder stephaniepope mythopoetry.com
"In astrology, the Moon represents our emotions, what we treasure in our hearts, intuition, instinctive knowing and behavior, the unconscious, our depths, our animalistic side, our innermost selves.
The Sun in Cancer opposes this Full Moon in Capricorn. These two signs are polar opposites; typically Cancer represents the archetype of the Mother in astrology and Capricorn, the archetype of the Father....We can explore this polarity and find a balance between...."
-To read more on the July, 2015 full moon see -yoganonymous
-the image idea of cooperative nurture/ the Sabian symbol is "the uncut stone"
see Full Moon in Cancer-Capricorn July, 2015 Part 1, Robert Wilkinson