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"End of the Trail" 20th C American Sculpture artist, James Earle Fraser with his 1894 plaster sculpture / "In 1894, when James Earle Fraser completed his model of The End of the Trail, American civilization stretched from shore to shore. Most Euramericans believed the frontier period was over and that such progress was inevitable. Many viewed Native Americans as part of the past, a vanishing race with no place in twentieth century. Popular literature portrayed Indian people as "savages," noble or otherwise. Fraser's The End of the Trail reflects this legacy: a nineteenth century Indian warrior defeated and bound for oblivion -- frozen in time." -R. David Edmunds, Ph.D. in that word under lasting light in that way he said "mould" but i heard "mold" and instantly "decay" and instantly the shadow moved as instantly away |
©2013 In Conspectu Mortis Enjambed, stephanie pope mythopoetry.com matter and beauty poetry series
CG Jung and "in conspectu mortis" [quote] The vision of the world in conspectu mortis is in truth a curious experience: the sense of the present stretches out beyond today, looking back into centuries gone by, and forward into futures yet unborn. [unquote] see CG Jung: Letters. Volume 2: 1951-1961 Selected and edited by Gerhard Adler in collaboration with Aniela Jaffé. Translated from the German by RFC Hull. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975 p.10, Letter 21, Mar. 1951.
CG Jung calls this a way of seeing the world. "One must look to the past so that life is not frozen in the past." -stephanie pope, "The Individuation Process".
in conspectu mortis see also stephanie pope "When Truth Is A Dark Light Walking The Land"
R. David Edmunds, Ph.D., Cherokee,The End Of The Trail: A Native American View